Inclusion Maturity Assessment (IMA)
Choose the most Suitable Approach for Your Organization
based on our IMA® model

From Complexity to Clarity:
A Roadmap for Organizational Agility and Inclusive Teamwork

Embracing Agility and Inclusivity involves selecting the optimal approach for your organization. Our Inclusion Maturity Assessment (IMA®) model guides you in choosing the right strategy and methodology, leveraging insights to advance agile/inclusion initiatives effectively. Additionally, it enables you to measure your progress regularly, ensuring ongoing improvement.

Our IMA® model is about:

Lemon-Boost’s Inclusion Maturity Assessment (IMA) model is Lemon-boost has developed a proprietary methodology that

specifically tailored to accommodate the nuances of local business culture, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness. Knowing what stage your business is in will assist you avoid becoming stuck and choosing where to direct your efforts most efficiently.

Our IMA® model is one of our 3 differentiators:

Agile Inclusive teamwork Japan IMA Inclusion maturity model

Inclusion Maturity Assessment: How does it work?

Inclusion maturity assessment steps process lemon boost agile

The IMA Process: Compiling Data and Capturing Employee Insights

During the IMA process, Lemon-Boost performs three key activities to gather comprehensive insights into the organization’s inclusion maturity. Firstly, we compile key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and identify areas for improvement. Next, we integrate internal and external data sources to enrich our understanding of the organizational context. Additionally, we facilitate customizable “dojo” sessions to capture authentic employee perspectives and sentiments, providing invaluable insights into the real experiences and perceptions within the company. Throughout this process, we take into account the cultural nuances of the country or region, ensuring a holistic assessment.

Producing the Inclusion Assessment and Strategic Roadmap

Following data collection and analysis, Lemon-Boost produces a comprehensive Agility & Inclusion assessment that highlights strengths and identifies areas for improvement. This assessment serves as a foundational document, providing actionable insights to inform strategic decision-making. Based on the findings of the assessment, the client is equipped to develop a strategic roadmap with concrete action plans aimed at advancing inclusion, fostering a more equitable workplace culture, and driving organizational agility.

Assess Before Investing: Ensuring Effective DEI and Agility Strategies

A lot of businesses respond to both internal (retaining talent, cooperation challenges, facing rigidity and slowness) and external (competitors, law) triggers when it comes to volatile business market and DEI. But these initiatives, particularly when restricted to conventional training methods, which highlight the complexity of inclusion, typically flop, leaving leaders upset and claiming that the work of DEI is too hard. It takes far too long to observe outcomes.
DEI is not a short-term project; in fact, a firm that embarks on major initiatives before putting the proper structures and culture in place is likely to fail, leaving customers and marginalized employees worse off and tarnishing the company’s reputation for making empty promises.

Lemon-boost has developed a proprietary methodology that focuses on inclusive teamwork and organizational agility. 

The IMA®  model translates behaviors into tangible business value by establishing a crucial link between:

🍋Strategic objectives (What are the real business outcomes?)

🍋Current maturity level (Is it technical inclusion or behavioral inclusion ?) 

🍋Company culture (Traditional Kaisha, Globalized multinational or Innovative Tech Savy, agile etc.)

Discover Your Company's Inclusion Maturity Stage: Ascend the 5-Stage Ladder

According to more than 40 years of academic research, businesses typically go through predictable phases when it comes to inclusion. Knowing what stage your business is in will assist you avoid becoming stuck and choosing where to direct your efforts most efficiently. Further, Lemon-Boost will use both qualitative and quantitative data to increase the effectiveness of your DEI initiatives and boost the likelihood that they will continue to advance. The questions that leadership teams should pose to themselves in order to concentrate their efforts and keep going forward are also included in our Inclusion Maturity Assessment. The three axes of our IMA model are mindset, behaviors, and business agility.
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, a typical journey through these stages includes connecting top-down strategy, prioritizing soft skills over hard skills, focusing on the balance between minorities vs the group, and taking responsibility of DEI.