Leading Ladies by Lemon-Boost:

A Professional Network for
Career Design, Communication and Personal Development.

Engage in Discussion Circles, Expert Workshops, and
Safe Space Work Practices.

Connect in Person & Online

Overcoming Challenges for Women in the Workplace:
Self-Management, Communication, and Career Growth
Define and Get what you want

Women often face tough times at work. They might feel like they don’t belong, worry about making mistakes, or find it hard to balance work and life. Getting support from colleagues and bosses can be tough, and sometimes they feel like they have to be perfect. This pressure can make them feel stressed and unhappy.

Communicating with others can also be tricky. They might feel scared to speak up or find it tough to deal with conflicts. Career-wise, they might feel stuck or struggle with changes, especially if they’re moving to a new place or raising kids.

These challenges can be hard, but finding ways to tackle them is essential for women to thrive at work.

Belonging to a supportive community is not enough...You need to practice new ways of doing things.

Belonging to a supportive community is not enough as offer. Practicing beyond traditional training ensures sustained changes by reinforcing learning, building habits, and adapting skills to real-world scenarios, fostering long-term growth and effectiveness.

Our Leading Ladies Program:

Enjoy our 4 tools for long-term results:

Peer-to-Peer Sharing

Verbal Aikido (Express yourself in resilience)

Discssion cicrcles, Dojo's, Experts roudtables

Networking Opportunities

Our sessions are 


Understand your Inclusion maturity level and what it takes to reach the next one taken into account the company's culture and the strategic goals

Learning by group practice to collectively reinforce positive behaviors ( ex: reframe mindset, Verbal Aikido, global leaders dojo's, Leadership Dojo)

Learning through open dialogue and inclusive participation (ex: Stereotypes at work, perceptions towards managerial or sales positions, career design)

Foster Employees engagement, expose them to new ideas, inspire and motivate them through conferences and speaking events at executives level or department-level.

Both the business agility and the DEI approach should be tailored to the unique Japanese market and business culture. However, Japan can learn also from other countries' pitfalls and successes.

HR Skills Enhancement (coming soon)

Acknowledge and discuss mental health challenges; Strategic thinking for improved Executives’ interactions; Convince and Engage managers to business agility and inclusion.

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Reach the next level of Inclusion with Lemon-Boost

1/ Know your employees' real motivations and concerns shared in a psychologically safe space.

We empower employees to openly share their concerns and expectations, ensuring transparent and collaborative feedback. Establishing trust and fostering psychological safety is paramount for effective change implementation. Our methodologies such as Verbal Aikido®, discussion circles, design thinking workshops,… enhance employee experience while ensuring the credible gathering of real issues.

2/ Assess how things are changing, both in terms of KPIs and what employees value.

Our Inclusion Maturity Assessment (I.M.A.) strategically assesses team effectiveness in collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation. Conducting behavioral assessments, we focus on identifying the root causes behind inclusion challenges. We use data analytics to evaluate DEI metrics and processes. Beyond HR practices, we design a sustainable roadmap aligning inclusion goals with organizational broad objectives.

3/ Foster team harmony through effective cross-gen, cross-gender & cross-cultural collaboration

Emphasizing inclusion over diversity, we instigate behavioral change to unlock your diverse workforce’s full potential. Our approach creates safe spaces for staff to embrace new behaviors, fostering positive interactions. Addressing communication challenges, resistance to change, and conflicts, we tackle mindset and behavioral shifts, transforming individuals from diverse backgrounds into versatile, agile, high-performing teams.