Welcome to the Executives Lab F.A.Q.

Everything you need to know about our Executives Lab.
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The Executives Lab is a monthly learning program that brings together a curated group of executives and startup founders. By facilitating the group, we enable participants to gain actionable strategies to address the monthly specific challenges (4 or 8) related to Japan’s unique business landscape or professional/personal development.

The Executives Lab helps you save time and money while adapting your leadership for Japan or APAC—this is not just a marketing slogan, but a genuine commitment.

Save time by joining a trusted group of cross-industry executives, enabling you to share aspirations, ideas, and concerns without engaging in superficial networking.

Gain new business approaches and deepen your understanding before returning to the office, saving both time and resources.

That being said, Japan’s unique market requires a tailored leadership style. Learn and practice new behaviors in a safe environment to prepare effectively for real-world challenges.

Also, managing the APAC region is often underestimated. Save time by connecting with experienced executives from your country or other APAC regions who have successfully navigated this complex territory.

Our programme is intended for senior executives, managers, and leaders cross-industry with significant professional experience. Specifically, it is designed for leaders who have challenges such as: 

• Founders based in Japan: Learn about growth strategies that work in the Japanese market.
• Executives new & old in Japan: Understand why the Japanese behave the way they do and how to cope with the unique challenges of leading in Japan.
• Career Advancement: Prepare for the next step in your career or plan your exit strategy.
• Staying Relevant: Learn how to remain competitive in the face of internal and external competition.

Here is what makes Exe Lab special:

  • A selected group of executives: no salesperson, no consultant.
  • Challenge-centric methodology, not competency-centric
  • Practice new habits, and new behaviors in a safe space.
  • A team with 20+ years of Leadership credentials, and business psychology,  spread over 4 continents (Asia, US, Europe, Africa).

Our proprietary methodology is based on a combination of change management,  business psychology, and more than 20+ years of experience.

The small group setting is inspired by the mastermind group approach.

Contact us to know more about our methodology. 

In addition, here is generic information on: 

Change management

Business psychology

Mastermind group

Each topic will be declined according to how to grow your business, manage yourself, and lead others. Contact us to know more.

4-Month Program: Starts in November 2024.
8-Month Program: This program starts in January 2025.

You can choose the program length that best fits your professional development needs and schedule.

We keep each lab small, with a maximum of 15 participants. You will be able to interact with your peers during and between sessions. Throughout the program, you are also entitled to 1:1 personalized support to address your challenges/project.

There are prerequisites indeed. We create a safe space for everyone to share their challenge or project and express their obstacles. Therefore, a selection process is necessary to ensure a good balance of personalities, to avoid competition, and to ensure a salesperson or consultant free zone. The selection process consists of an interview and a market assessment.

Workshops and outdoor sessions are held in person. In addition to in-person sessions, you can participate in online sessions to maintain group energy and progress with your project or challenge.

If you miss up to 2 work sessions, you will receive for each, a 1:1 catch-up session to bring you up to date for the following milestone

Yes, the programme is based on our proprietary change management and business psychology methodology. It is classified as executive education and thus subject to corporate support.

To join your lab, simply sign up using the form at the bottom of this page: https://lemon-boost.org/executives-lab/ or send us a direct message via Linkedin or email: Hello@lemon-Boost.org.

Register now to learn more!

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