Radical Changes - Resilient Leadership

We equip managers and leaders facing radical changes and complex leadership transitions with relevant skills, strategies and networking abilities.

You adapt efficiently, avoid pitfalls, and thrive in today’s global business environment with a focus on Japan/APAC region.

You are brutally pushed out of your comfort zone. For example:

The hard truth about radical changes:

> You are alone and watched. Better find trusted allies

> Your skills fade fast. No clear path forward.

> One -size-fits-all advice won't solve your specific problems.

Our methodology:


Meet like-minded peers for collective problem-solving sessions.


Face personal competition, learn continuously, stay relevant in the labor market.


Practice Leadership & Networking skills in a safe place.

Our solutions for individuals:

Our Two Business Learning Networks

For Managers (Boostees)

Focus on leadership, networking, and resilience, practicing in small groups to stay business-relevant and thrive in evolving work environments.

For Executives (The Lab)

Your confidential advisory board to meet in person in Tokyo. Primarily to address Japan’s adjustment and Business relevance towards Headquarters.

Our corporate solutions:

Global Ways of Working for Japanese Teams

As a Manager, you have discovered the Japanese way. Now, the time has come to help your team develop international work practices.

Convert your Guests into Members

A strategic approach to increase the conversion or the renewal rate for members, customers, or franchise communities through targeted and tailored events.

They Trust us:

Lemon-Boost: Learn About Us and Our Credentials