DEI not integrated with Long-Term Strategy

Japanese companies aim to promote diversity and inclusion. However, they often struggle to implement meaningful changes in office mentality and behavior. One reason for this is that DEI is not fully integrated into their long term vision. In fact, companies use catchphrases and hollow concepts for their DEI strategy.  As a result, they are unable to bridge the execution gap and fail to leverage it as a competitive advantage.

In this recent Nikkei Asia article, Stephen Givens illustrates this with two pertinent examples  Hitachi, entangled in vague buzzwords like “Social Innovation Business,” and Kirin’s “Creating Shared Value” plan.

Companies should integrate DEI into their strategic process. How can this be achieved?

3 solutions 🍋:

1. 📊 Combine data-driven Insights with a Behavioral Edge:
To gain a comprehensive understanding of where the company stands and identify areas for improvement.

2. 🗣️Know your employees’ real motivations and concerns shared in a psychologically safe space. Utilize methodologies like Verbal Aikido to foster open communication, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and valued.

3. 🧠 Leadership Behavioral Practices
Establish regular leadership practices that train leaders to recognize unconscious biases and promote diverse perspectives in decision-making.

By embracing these solutions, Japan-based companies can rise above buzzwords and tick-the-box approaches, positioning diversity and inclusion as the catalyst for a competitive advantage, steering organizations toward a path of profitable growth. 🚀