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Webinar #3 : Embracing the Slow Lane

In Japan, time moves at its own leisurely pace. From waiting in line for your morning coffee to navigating bureaucratic mazes, you'll soon learn that patience isn't just a virtue – it's a survival skill.

🍋 Language barriers that make simple tasks like grocery shopping or navigating public transportation challenging.
🍋 Adapt to cultural differences, leading to frustration, isolation or even cultural shock.
🍋 Adjust to Japanese workplace expectations can be overwhelming, leading to stress, burnout, or difficulty advancing in your career.

If you want to know why building resilience is key in Japan, joint our webinar next week. Sandrine Monette 🇯🇵 and I, will share our experiences while adjusting to Japan. We will welcome a special guest Misha Yurchenko, Founder of Tokyo Mindfulness to share tips on how to develop resilience.

📅 Date: April 23, 2024 (Tuesday)
⌚ Time: 5 – 6 PM (JST) / 10 – 11 AM (Europe)
📍 Location: Online Register via MeetUp or email us directly at Hello@lemon-boost.org

Moving to Japan ? Make sure to pack your sense of humor along with your suitcase ; you’ll need it to navigate the delightful maze of cultural quirks and unexpected surprises.