Welcome to the Lemon-Boost Business Club
for Founders and Executives only

Join our Business club for Founders and Executives based in Asia or Europe!

The Lemon Boost (LB) Business Club is an exclusive hub designed specifically for founders and executives only. In a small and focused group, embrace the opportunity to be yourself, dare to ask the tough questions, try new personal/business strategies, and get peer feedback. Gain diverse perspectives that will empower you to lead with purpose, authenticity, and strategic thinking in the public arena.

Our events are thoughtfully designed to combine peer mentoring with best practice sharing, focused on specific and practical topics. From personal growth, communication challenges and the relationship with APAC and headquarters to navigating the business scale up strategies that work, the complexities of A.I.,the funding challenges, our members have the opportunity to request and engage in discussions that truly resonate with their unique challenges and aspirations.

Our approach is not just another webinar or conference system. We offer collective support in small, dedicated groups, built upon the proven mastermind methodology. Our members are eager to share their experiences and insights, fostering a community of like-minded individuals who value human connection and personal growth.

When time is the new luxury, let us take care of the details,
so you can focus on what truly matters:

The LB business club is a place of innovation and a place to exchange, meet, share and emulate especially but not limited to Technology, VC, and customer services.

Our goal is for you to connect with experts, not sales consultants. We want you to connect without the distraction of competition. Therefore, we have a limited and selective admission process to ensure a safe space to share ideas without the pressure of competition or consultants/coaches.

Join our Business Club if your are:

A startup Founder

Did you know that one of the top three reasons why startups fail is due to management problems and founder leadership? To be successful, strengthen your leadership skills, structure your posture, and navigate tough discussions by exploring new personal and business strategies within our supportive community.

An Expat or local country Managers

Foreign country managers have a poor track record in Japan. As a Japan-based leader, you are caught between the company culture and objectives and a local slow and rigid business culture. Overcome the challenges of working in Japan by surrounding yourself with a network of individuals who understand the unique complexities of the local business culture.

A Regional (APAC) or Headquarter Leader

Aligning Japan with the region can be a significant challenge. Bridge the gap between your APAC or European perspective and the intricacies of working with Japan. Develop strategies to achieve your objectives while maintaining your leadership style and expectations.

Four Reasons to Join our Club:

Embrace Change in Japan/APAC

Your old playbook may not work in this unique business landscape. Embrace the discomfort and join us in committing to trying new things before going out in the public arena.

Trust the Peer small groups

No longer feel isolated at the top. Connect with like-minded individuals who are eager to share insights, challenge one another, and engage in meaningful conversations that extend beyond surface-level interactions.

Reclaim Your Time

In a world where time has become the ultimate luxury, our club offers you a space to prioritize self-reflection and personal growth.

Address both your business and personal growth

Experiment with new ways of how you talk and work with others, using real-life situations, to get better at it, before implementing them in the public arena. And there’s no better way than to get practice with peers.

Plan the Time for Yourself:

Within the LB community, every month you can, depending on your availability:

50 Minutes

online LB Lemonades breaks get inspired by other members

1 Hour

Morning Walk & Talk in Tokyo

2 Hours

Inspiring testimonials & Debates

3 Hours

Communication practice workshops

Trust and Confidentiality are keys:

Members get insights from a rich mix of business sectors, services, and technology. We trust our members to bring confidentiality above all and use the business information they receive confidently. Other members are not vendors of services or consultants, and if they are, it is for personal reasons not doing pushy sales.

During our community events (online and in Person),
We cover a variety of topics including:

1. Be ready to negotiate or face conflict, even if you don’t like it

2. What is said about you when you’re not in the room

3. Build your Leadership team: either Swiss army knife or siloed experts.

4. Accessible, available and …sacrificial

5. Make decisions without having all the information (Alone at the top)

6. Liaise with APAC or Headquarters

7. Positive global business culture: because the copy/paste abroad won’t work

8. You are not essential: Stop micromanaging, start delegating and breathe

9. Lead A.I., don't be led by it

10. Need to build an Entrepreneurship mindset within your Company

Manage Your Time in Netwoking:

Within the LB community, every month you can, depending on your availability:

30 Minutes

Participate in LB Lemonades (online sessions) where you can discuss specific leadership challenges and share personal experiences

1 Hour

Join webinars on specific leadership or business topics to gain insights from seasoned experts.

2 Hours

Engage in various speed-dating games or conferences to meet peers or experts online or in person

3 Hours

Personal and leadership development Dojo’s (e.g. Verbal Aikido, inclusion circles)

Join our Peer-to-peer network for Founders and Executives
Register now to learn more!