Conference Temple University 25 Sept 24

← Blog Conference 25 Sept 24 @Temple University This event is organized by the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS)Efficient strategies to work in an international workplace (Hybrid) Speakers: Sandrine Monette-Hubert (Co-founder of Lemon-Boost) Marie-Solange Vottero (Co-founder of Lemon-Boost) Moderator: Evelyn Farlov, ICAS Coordinator Overview In today’s globalised business environment, mastering effective …

Professional hurdles, who to talk to

Webinar #4 : Professional Hurdles, Who to talk to ?

← Blog Webinar #4 : 5 keys to consider before sharing your professional hurdles Who do you turn to when facing professional hurdles : Your Family ? Colleagues ? Manager ? Hairdresser ? From a recent Harvard Business Review survey, 45% of employees refrained from sharing work challenges due to …

the cost of silence's subordinates Korean air

The boss is always right… except when he’s wrong !

← Blog The boss is always right… except when he’s wrong In higher power cultures subordinates are less likely to question their superiors. 🌏✈️ In 2010, Korean Air made a bold move by mandating English as the official language for all cockpit and cabin communications. One of the key reasons …

finding job in Japan smooth transition

Webinar #2 : Finding Jobs / Working in Japan

← Blog Webinar #2 : Finding a job in Japan, Working for a Japan-based Company You don’t speak Japanese. The job market doesn’t want you. As an expat, you won’t stay long. Why bother recruiting you ? Japan is amazing, but adjusting to its culture, language, and social norms can …

customer harassment operational agility

Please customers until it destroy your operations ?

← Blog Please customers until it destroy your operations ? EPISODE #37 : Thursday videos Please customers until it destroy your staff.. and your operations ? When your staff experience customer harassment, the right question is not whether or not you need training. The right question is how are you …

Expatriation japan success community

Adjusting to Japan is difficult

← Blog Adjusting to Japan is difficult : what I wish I knew before moving Open the gates to a smooth transition and a rewarding journey overseas. Working in Japan as a foreigner or giving up your career to follow love is a big transition. Adjusting is hard. And, luckily …